
     Why hello! My name is Lisett =); this is my blog...though you probably already knew that... :/. Any who, I'm a Bay Area native, who since August of last year has called NYC her home. My mindset>> Enjoy the present because tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
Lis loves...
-food>>Give me cranberry/rosemary crackers, brie cheese, fresh cherries and Teavana tea and I'm in heaven!
-strong/powerful woman, especially those who dominate typically male dominated industries>> Hillary Clinton, Malala Yousafzai, and songstress/beat boxer, Butterscotch you are my heroes!
-Picasso, Dali and Fernando Botero....I mean how cute is fat baby Jesus? Am I right?!?
-learning new languages>> By the age of thirty I hope to be a sexlinguist (that means fluent in 6 languages people)...get your mind out of the gutter.
-DIY>>cause it's one of a kind <3
Random facts:
-My socks NEVER match because quite frankly, life is too short to sit there and try to match up your socks...
-My only sister is two, so #shocked would be an understatement of how I felt when my mom got knocked up my senior year of highschool! But I love her to pieces!
-Lee Bowery is simply the greatest human being to have ever walked this planet! #itsthatserious
-Combat boots are simply the greatest shoes...like ever!
-On occasion, I will break into song/dance while walking down the street! If you can't accept that, then we just can't be friends. #sorry #notsorry